Commercial Auto Insurance
At Tilikum Insurance we insure automobiles used in small to medium size businesses.
Commercial Auto (aka Business Auto) insurance protects your business by covering the costs of damage or destruction to an insured vehicle, and expenses associated with bodily injury or property damage should you be held liable for the loss
Most policies include uninsured/underinsured motorists coverage and/or medical payments coverage (also known as Personal Injury Protection) per state laws. Options such as rental car reimbursement, roadside assistance, towing, and drive-other-car can be added to your policy.

A word or two about gaps in business auto insurance.
If you furnish a car to an employee for both business and personal use, and that employee doesn't carry any personal vehicle insurance of their own, then you will have a gap in coverage should they be personally held liable for collision damage. This is where we offer a Drive Other Car endorsement.
Do your employees drive their personal vehicle during the course of their employment. For example, on the way home, your manager stops by a client’s office to leave a product sample. Without proper Non-Owned or Any-Auto endorsements you could have a serious gap in coverage.
If you fail to take reasonable steps to ensure that your employee is qualified to drive or if you allow someone to drive whom you know has a poor driving record, and that person causes an accident, you could be liable for “negligent entrustment.”
If you are new in business, have a free consultation with us about properly insuring your vehicles. If you already have commercial auto insurance, see us for a review of your current coverage and recommendations backed by 25+ years of insurance experience.
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